Steering Committee

Economic Opportunity Funders (EOF) is led by a Steering Committee that provides oversight and guidance for the group. Steering Committee members are volunteers and represent the needs and interests of the diverse range of philanthropic organizations participating in EOF. Steering Committee members participate in monthly conference calls, plan and carry out events, provide financial oversight, and attend an annual in-person Steering Committee meeting.

Headshot of Anna Wadia, a white woman with long hair in a black shirt, blue patterned blazer with a floral display in the background.

Care for All with Respect and Equity (CARE) Fund

Cassandra McKee, Wellspring Philanthropic Fund

Wellspring Philanthropic Fund

W.K. Kellogg Foundation


EOF has a virtual office and is staffed by two part-time Co-Directors, Ami Nagle (in Durham, NC) and Cema Siegel (in Bethesda, MD).

Ami Nagle headshot

Economic Opportunity Funders

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headshot of Cema Siegel, EOF

Economic Opportunity Funders

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