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Working together to increase public support for the federal and state EITC, CTC and other tax credits.

Launched in 2012, the EITC Pooled Fund has awarded more than $9 million to organizations in 36 states and 11 national networks to advance economic opportunity for low-income workers and their families across the country through the creation and expansion of tax credits. Economic Opportunity Funders and the Tax Equity Funders Network administer and oversee the State EITC Rapid Response, Campaign, and Policy Development Funds and the Federal EITC Campaign Fund. These four funds – together known as the EITC Pooled Fund –  are guided by an advisory group, supported by three national funders, and administered in partnership with the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and The Hatcher Group.

To date, $9,232,000 has been awarded to organizations in 36 states and 11 national networks: $7,992,000 in state EITC rapid response, campaign, and policy development funds and $1,345,000 in federal EITC campaign funds.

2024 EITC Pooled Fund participating foundations include:

Why the EITC?

The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is a federal tax credit for people who work and have low to moderate earned incomes. The EITC reduces the amount of federal taxes owed and may also provide a refund.

Because the EITC puts money back into the pockets of low-income families, the EITC has been called one of the largest and most effective poverty-reduction programs in the nation.  Each year, the federal EITC lifts millions of people out of poverty.  In 2018, the EITC lifted about 5.6 million people out of poverty, including about 3 million children.

In addition to the federal EITC, 31 states and the District of Columbia, Guam, and Puerto Rico, and some municipalities now have state or local EITCs.

See these links for more information:

The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities 

The Tax Policy Center

Tax Credits for Workers and Their Families (led by The Hatcher Group)

Four Funds:

State EITC Rapid Response Fund

State EITC Rapid Response Fund

This Fund was established in 2012 and focuses on quick infusions of support to help an existing effort overcome a campaign or communications challenge or opportunity. Awards are made on a rolling basis and range from $15,000-$50,000.

State EITC Campaign Fund

State EITC Campaign Fund

This Fund was established in 2017 and focuses on supporting a year-long effort where a window of opportunity to promote or defend a state EITC seems urgent. Awards range from $30,000-$125,000.

State EITC Policy Development Fund

State EITC Policy Development Fund

This Fund was established in 2015 and provides multi-year support to state-based policy groups laying the groundwork to develop or improve state EITCs. Awards are made in the early Fall and range from $75,000-$125,00 a year for two years.

Federal EITC Campaign Fund

Federal EITC Campaign Fund

This Fund was established in 2020 and focuses on supporting work on the federal EITC and CTC, including work on tax-based benefits in the context of federal stimulus and relief packages. Awards are made on a rolling basis and range from $25,000-$250,000.

What's New:

EITC Pooled Fund Logo

2024 EITC Pooled Fund Awards

The EITC Pooled Fund has made 10 awards to state organizations working to help build public support for state EITCs, CTCs, and other tax credits in 2024.

EITC Pooled Fund Logo

Historic State Tax Credits Wins Built on Long-term Investments

The historic state tax credits wins in the last year were built on long-term investments by the EITC Pooled Fund and other philanthropic supporters. The gains are gratifying, but the work is not done.

EITC Pooled Fund Logo

2023 EITC Pooled Fund Awards

The EITC Pooled Fund has made five campaign awards in 2023 to state organizations working to help build public support for state EITCs, CTCs, and other tax credits.

EITC Pooled Fund Logo

EITC Pooled Fund 2022 Year-In-Review

This year-end report provides an overview of the EITC Pooled Fund awards and lessons learned in 2022.

State EITC Award Map:

Additional Work of The Fund:

Polling and Message Testing

The Fund has supported several messaging research efforts to support awardees and the field.

In 2012, The Fund contracted with a national polling firm (Hart Research) to support new research on EITC messaging through focus groups and national polling. Findings from this research are available upon request.

In 2015, building on the polling and focus group findings, The Fund contracted a messaging firm (Topos Partnership) to explore the set of messages that might shift how people think about the EITC. This research, using deep “talk-back” message testing in several locations across the country, explored how people think about the EITC as a mechanism to reduce poverty and their reactions to messages regarding fraud and abuse of funds and other key message points.

In 2022 The Fund contracted with SKDK to help support the creation of a centralized communications hub focused on the expanded Child Tax Credit that will work to promote the benefits of the policy, create and distribute a daily rapid response digest, and create new resources and additional communications capacity for advocates.

Technical Assistance from National Partners

The Fund also provides support to two national field partners – Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and The Hatcher Group. Each year, these national partners work collaboratively to prepare a scan of the state EITC policy field and identify opportunities and challenges that The Fund could work to address. National field partners also provide direct technical assistance to awardees and share learnings with the field.


The Fund supported a retrospective evaluation of the Rapid Response and Policy Development Fund. Evaluation activities began in Summer 2016 and concluded in March 2018.  Evaluation activities included document reviews, awardee surveys and interviews, group data collection at convening(s), funder and leadership team interviews, awardee coaching on data collection, awardee capacity assessments, surveys of a subset of awardees’ peers/partners, funding landscape analysis, and in-depth case studies.

RRF evaluation outcomes and lessons learned.

PDF evaluation outcomes and lessons learned.

Program Participation Data Dashboard

With support by the EITC Pooled Fund, the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities has launched a new Program Participation Data Dashboard, providing links and interactive tables of state-by-state data on participants in a variety of programs for families and individuals living with low income including EITC, SNAP, Medicaid and CHIP and SSI.

This tool will be incredibly helpful to funders and grantees seeking to better understand the reach and impact of these programs in local communities across the US.

Connecting Economic Security Policy and Grassroots Funders

Too often the foundations working on equity and the foundations working on policy are not in the same rooms sharing analyses and strategies.

With support from the Rockefeller Foundation, The Fund began exploring opportunities to support the connection of economic policy and engagement funders. This resulted in a series of activities including:

  • A landscape analysis in of key civic engagement funders, donor tables, and grassroots networks funding strategies around building an equitable economy;
  • A conversation for Florida funders to begin to connect the dots across their work to improve economic security and discuss strategies for building more impactful partnerships; and
  • The commission of two case studies on successful EITC campaigns in New Mexico and Washington and an infographic on how policy and grassroots funders can come together to build ecosystems that advance economic opportunity.

Additional conversations in Florida and other select states are antcipated in 2022.

Learn more here.

State EITC Campaign Case Studies

Several state EITC campaign case studies of EITC Pooled Fund awardees and additional written products have been developed by EITC Pooled Fund national technical assistance provider, The Hatcher Group.

Advocating for the EITC in the World of COVID-19 (Dec 2020): The economic downturn caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has thrown millions of Americans into financial instability. The EITC is one policy that can help low-income families stay afloat. This guide highlights messaging advocates can use to advocate for the EITC in the world of COVID-19.

A 2020 GUIDE TO Effective EITC Advocacy (Dec 2020): A comprehensive list of strategies highlighted in all 21 TCWF case studies.

California: Strong Relationships and Targeted Messages: Enacting a Last-Minute CalEITC Expansion for ITIN Filers (Dec 2020)

Colorado: Moving Toward Equity: Lessons from Colorado’s EITC Expansion (Dec 2020)

New Mexico: The Power of Relationship Building: Lessons from New Mexico’s WFTC Expansion (Dec 2019)

Hawaii: There’s Power in Numbers: Lessons From Hawaii’s Campaign to Enact a State-Level EITC (Dec 2017)