
The Federal EITC Campaign Fund was established in 2020 as an invitation only fund and provides support to national and state-based policy groups to support work on the federal EITC and CTC, including work on tax-based benefits in the context of federal stimulus and relief packages.


About the EITC

The EITC was established in 1975 as the nation’s most significant policy reform to reduce poverty and incentivize work for low income Americans. Current EITC-related policy efforts aim to maintain and expand the EITC so that it continues to benefit working families.


See these links for more information:

The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities

The Tax Policy Center

Tax Credits for Workers and Their Families (led by The Hatcher Group)


To date, $1,345,000 has been awarded to 11 national networks.

1235 Strategies was awarded $75,000 to develop and implement a social media campaign to reach out to and educate young adults of the newly expanded federal EITC and encourage them to complete their taxes in a nonpredatory setting.

The Center for Rural Strategies was awarded $100,000 in 2022 to continue efforts to advance and improve policy and uptake of the federal EITC and CTC.

The Center for Rural Strategies was awarded $100,000 in 2021 to convene, catalyze and amplify diverse rural voices to help build public support for the federal Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and make the recent EITC and Child Tax Credit (CTC) expansions in the American Rescue Plan permanent.  Read more about the EITC and CTC expansions in the American Rescue Plan here.

Groundwork Collaborative was awarded $55,000 to help increase outreach and engagement on IRS Direct File pilot in 2024.

Hispanic Federal of Puerto Rico was awarded $50,000 to work with a larger coalition of organizations on the island to raise awareness of the federally supported, newly established EITC in Puerto Rico.

Humanity Forward was awarded $50,000 in 2024 to support efforts to expand the federal Child Tax Credit (CTC).

Humanity Forward was awarded $250,000 in 2023 to support efforts to to advance the protection and expansion of federal EITC and CTC tax credits in preparation for the expiration of TCJA credit provisions. 

Humanity Forward was awarded $192,500 in 2022 to support efforts to educate stakeholders and build public support for the Child Tax Credit through earned media, briefings, an ad-hoc coalition, and nonpartisan polling and research.

NETWORK received $75,000 in 2021 to engage their activist network and national partner organizations in activist and policymaker education to promote implementation of expanded tax-based benefits and make permanent EITC/CTC as one of our government’s most effective anti-poverty programs.

NETWORK received $75,000 in 2020 to engage its activist network and national partner organizations in activist and policymaker education on tax-based benefits in COVID-19 relief packages and expanding EITC/CTC as one of our government’s most effective anti-poverty programs.

Parents Together was awarded $160,000 in 2021 to educate a wide national audience of parents about the expanded CTC, make sure low-income parents sign up, and catalyze a visible outpouring of parents supporting permanency.

RESULTS was awarded $75,000 in 2020 to identify and train grassroots advocate leaders — prioritizing those with personal experiences of living in poverty and in key states — to educate federal lawmakers about poverty in their communities and build support to protect and expand refundable tax credits such as the Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit.

RESULTS was awarded $25,000 in 2021 to grow and mobilize their network of advocates to build political leadership for making the ARPA temporary EITC and CTC expansions permanent in order to achieve historic breakthroughs against poverty.

SKDK was awarded $12,500 to support efforts to create a centralized communications hub focused on the expanded Child Tax Credit.

Work Money was awarded $25,000 to help increase outreach and engagement on IRS Direct File pilot in 2024.

Young Invincibles was awarded $25,000 to help increase outreach and engagement on IRS Direct File pilot in 2024.