Philanthropy, Racial Equity and Fiscal Policy
October 10, 2017 | Washington, DC
- Gain a deeper understanding of why none of us can achieve our missions unless we address racial equity, and how this work plays out in our institutions and our grantmaking.
- Learn how other funders and grantee partners are undertaking racial equity work, both internally and externally.
- Engage in dialogue with philanthropic colleagues and seek answers to questions to help advance your work. Identify at least one new strategy to incorporate into your grantmaking.
- Determine areas of shared interest to continue exploring together.
8:30am | Breakfast |
9:00am | Welcome and Introductions
9:15am | Opening Remarks and Call to Action: Why Philanthropy? Why Now?
9:45am | The System of Racial Inequity Internal biases and external structures inform a system that continues to churn out racial disparities in the United States. Dr. Butler will deliver a keynote presentation that explores the role of history, power and economics in inequity and share a new approach for creating personal and social change.
10:45am | Break |
11:00am | Advancing Racial Equity through Fiscal Policy
A panel of experts from the field will share their vision of what racial equity looks like in fiscal policy and provide insights into how it might be achieved.
12:30pm | Lunch |
1:30pm | Building Racial Equity Inside and Out For over 40 years, ABFE has been a thought leader and advocate in the field of philanthropy to achieve racial equity for Black communities. ABFE President and CEO, Susan Taylor Batten, will outline a specific set of competencies and skills philanthropy can apply to advance racial equity in our communities.
2:00pm | Table Discussions Participants will have time to reflect on and discuss the previous presentation. |
2:15pm | Break |
2:30pm | Sharing Our Stories: Progress and Challenges in the Racial Equity Journey Participants will hear from funder colleagues and grantee partners applying a racial equity lens both internally in their institutions and externally in their grantmaking and programming. Participants will also engage in small group discussions to share and seek advice for advancing their work.
4:45pm | Closing Round robin of key take-a-ways. What will I do as a grantmaker to incorporate what I have learned? What can EOF do to support you?
5:15pm | Adjourn |