The EITC Campaign Fund has awarded $595,000 to organizations in eight states to help create, defend, expand, or modernize state EITCs during the upcoming legislative season.
New in 2020. EITC Campaign Fund awards previously ranged from $30,000-$50,000. Recognizing the critical role community mobilization can play and the value of partnering with grassroots organizations (which are often most representative of constituencies of color in states) the EITC Campaign Fund provided awardees up to $25,000 in additional funding to support grassroots organizations for community mobilization work. Awardees include:
- California: California Budget & Policy Center
- Colorado: Colorado Fiscal Institute
- Hawaii: Hawaii Appleseed Center for Law & Economic Justice
- Maryland: CASH Campaign of Maryland
- Massachusetts: Children’s HealthWatch
- Oklahoma: Oklahoma Policy Institute
- Oregon: Oregon Center for Public Policy
- New Mexico: New Mexico Voices for Children
The EITC Campaign Fund was established in 2017 and focuses on supporting a year-long effort in which a window of opportunity to promote or defend a state EITC seems urgent. Awards are made through an invitation-only RFP process, on a rolling basis and range from $30,000-$75,000. Click here for more details on the awardees and the EITC Campaign Fund.
The EITC Campaign Fund is one of three funds supported by Economic Opportunity Funders and the EITC Funders Network to help improve efforts to protect current and create new state EITCs. Learn more about the EITC Pooled Fund here.