EITC Pooled Fund Awards 8 Rapid Response Fund Allocations in March 2019
In March 2019, the EITC Pooled Fund made Rapid Response Fund awards in California, Hawaii, New York, Maine, Rhode Island, Utah, Wisconsin, and Washington.
In March 2019, the EITC Pooled Fund made Rapid Response Fund awards in California, Hawaii, New York, Maine, Rhode Island, Utah, Wisconsin, and Washington.
In early 2019, the EITC Pooled Fund awarded three, new $50,000 campaign fund awards. Allocations were made to efforts in: Georgia — Georgia Budget and Policy Institute seeks to raise awareness…
2018 EITC Campaign Fund annual summary and lessons learned.
Read about work accomplished and lessons learned in the 2018 EITC Rapid Response Fund Year-in-Review report!
In the latest round of Campaign Fund allocations, the EITC Pooled Fund provides support to the Oregon Center for Public Policy.
EITC Pooled Fund supports new EITC Data Interactive.
In 2018, the EITC Rapid Response Fund awarded contracts to groups in Maine, Massachusetts, Montana and Utah.
In the fall of 2017, the EITC Campaign Fund awarded state contracts to organizations in three states to help educate opinion leaders and the public about the importance of strong state EITCs. State efforts include Missouri, Oklahoma, and Washington.
In fall 2017, the EITC Policy Development Fund (PDF), made a multi-year commitment to help groups in Arkansas and Virginia to build awareness of establishing refundable, state EITCs
2016 Post-Election Briefing: Politics, Policy and Philanthropy November 16-17, 2016 | Washington, DC READING LIST Below, you’ll find a brief reading list to help acquaint you with the issues that our…